New Tech Plastics extrudes and converts coextruded and single layer film
products for industrial and commercial packaging applications. Rely on New
Tech Plastics to design unique solutions to end user packaging problems
when conventional single layer films are not appropriate...often at cost
equal to or less than off-the-shelf products currently used.
"Innovations comes from experience"
The partners of New Tech Plastics combine more than 130 years of film experience
to solve the packaging challenges you face in a timely, cost-effective manner.
New Tech Plastics takes pride in designing, developing, and delivering the
best product for the job in less time than other companies can get back
to you with answers.
Your project is always in the hands of trained professionals. Film production
experience and expertise extend beyond the partners to the rest of the company.
Project managers at New Tech Plastics have an average of 15 years film experience
each, the rest of our employees, five. |